Baltic Athletics and Activities

Online Sports Registration

Register your child(ren) for middle or high school sports (7th - 12th)

True to Baltic School District’s focus on innovation, all athletic participation registration is now handled online. Parents and guardians register their students/athletes to play sports through one simple, electronic form!  This form is accessible from any computer or smart phone with internet access, as well as at the computer kiosks located in the elementary school office during normal working hours.  

**Please note that registration is more user friendly on a computer as opposed to a smart phone. 

You must complete all three steps to become fully registered for athletic participation.  You are not fully registered until you receive a confirmation email.

For Returning User ONLY "Click HERE" if you do not remember your login information contact the athletic director.  DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT.  User the username and password you created for your family account during your first registration.  Once logged in you may click on the "Register" dropdown and register an existing student or add a new student in your account.

Step One: Complete the Registration Form.  (Click link above the slide show, the tab called "Baltic Athletic Online Registration".) 

Step Two: Read the Athletic Packet/Handouts regarding eligibility and the handouts about concussions.

Step Three: Submit your signed Physical Examination and history form to the high school office or athletic director.

You can download corresponding History Forms and Physical Form from the school website, or pick them up at the high school office.

Physical examinations taken April 1 and after are valid for the following school year. Physical examinations taken before April 1 are valid only for the remainder of that school year.  ***Athletes WILL NOT be allowed to participate without having a current physical exam on file and registered online.


Click Here to Begin the Athletic/Sports Registration


If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:

Edward Clark - Athletic Director
Phone: (605) 529-5461
Fax: (605) 529-5443
Tyra Jons - Athletic Trainer
Phone (605) 529-5461